Hi, I’m Jenny.

I ignite others to become
superstars in their world

by helping people and organisations across the world strengthen their leadership, grow their confidence and increase the impact they make in their personal and professional lives


Specialist Areas

Strengthening Leadership

Whether it's a team of 2 or 20, how you lead makes a difference to people, performance and profits.

Growing Confidence

You’re better than you realise. Let’s look at how we grow your confidence in the areas you need it most.

Increasing Impact

Whether you’re looking to move up the career ladder or seeking to charm those tricky stakeholders, one thing’s for sure: impact is important.

We can often feel like we’re constantly being told we’ve got to be bigger, better and bolder, which can leave us feeling inadequate, incompetent and inauthentic. I love to help people find different perspectives, different thinking about their situations and best of all, help them tap into their own unique set of talents, strengths and qualities. This isn’t about becoming someone new.

We don't need new, we need YOU.


Jen's Gems Newsletter

Join the community of like-minded people who want ideas and insights on how to get the best out of themselves – and others.

Liberated! for Women

FREE 30 page personal guidebook and accompanying 45 minute audio to help you feel less “edited” and more confident in living your life on your terms.

Fire Your Life Up Audio

FREE 30 minute punchy pep talk with accompanying transcript designed to bring the spark back to your personal and professional life.

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